Digital Workplace

Transformação digital no local de trabalho

O local de trabalho digital oferece substancialmente mais liberdade e satisfação para os funcionários: eles são menos restritos em termos de quando e onde trabalham e não estão mais vinculados a dispositivos permanentemente instalados, como estações de trabalho de mesa. Em vez disso, eles sempre têm acesso à tecnologia mais recente, adaptada às suas necessidades individuais. CHG-MERIDIAN mostra como isso pode funcionar.

Aumente sua produtividade com o Digital Workplace

Os ativos em si são apenas um dos muitos elementos básicos no processo de transformação digital. Para que o local de trabalho digital maximize a produtividade, os funcionários devem querer usar a tecnologia e ser treinados em como usá-la. E, é claro, eles precisam poder acessar os aplicativos com rapidez e segurança.

Principalmente, no entanto, o local de trabalho digital precisa ser abordado de forma holística como um conceito de ciclo de vida de 360 ° que integra todos os indivíduos, departamentos e processos essenciais para sua implementação bem-sucedida.

Saiba mais sobre o nosso modelo de ciclo de vida de 360 ° e os serviços que oferecemos:

A non-captive concept

Em termos concretos, isso significa que nossa solução 360 ° preenche todos os requisitos, tanto no campo tecnológico quanto no financeiro. Como especialistas em tecnologia , podemos oferecer um negócios atraente e personalizado, graças à nossa independência de bancos e fabricantes.

„De uma perspectiva organizacional, comercial, tecnológica e humana, o local de trabalho digital terá sucesso se todas as áreas forem levadas em conta, e os processos e soluções forem voltados para o que os funcionários e as empresas realmente precisam. Vamos levá-lo nesta jornada„.
Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales da CHG-MERIDIAN


Apresentamos o modelo de negócio COPE (Corporate-owned, personally-enabled).
Este modelo de negócio ajuda a motivar os funcionários, envolvendo-os na aquisição dos equipamentos. Estas são as vantagens mais importantes, resumidamente:

  • Os usuários podem escolher seu próprio equipamento, dentro das opções pré-definidas
  • O uso para fins particulares é permitido
  • Ao fim do contrato, o cliente pode transferir a propriedade dos equipamentos aos seus usuários
  • Proteção dos dados da empresa
  • Separação entre os dados comerciais e privados
  • Exclusão certificada de dados ao fim do contrato

Todo o processo é automatizado através do portal de autoatendimento no TESMA®.

Transparência é a chave da otimização para os empregadores

As vantagens mais importantes para o RH:

  • Cria incentivos e aumenta a atratividade do empregador
  • Permite o uso privado de dispositivos móveis
  • Permite a digitalização de contratos

Visão geral das vantagens mais importantes para a TI:

  • Menos trabalho para recursos internos
  • Resposta rápida às mudanças de requisitos
  • Proteção por certificados de exclusão no fim do arrendamento
  • Transparência, graças aos relatórios regulares


25 %

mais produtividade e motivação dos funcionários


20 %

economia através da consolidação e padronização de processos e transparência de custos


75 %

tempo de implementação mais curto por meio de modelos de autoatendimento, automação e independência dos fornecedores

Digital Workplace

Woman in a yellow jumper on a laptop with a coffee mug in hand
Remote working

Remote working made simple: The mindset factor

There is growing pressure to roll out digital workplace strategies. The technologies and processes deployed are often state-of-the-art, yet performance and employee productivity still lag behind. At this point, it becomes clear how important it is to get the employees on board with regard to a digital work culture.

Man working from home with a laptop with headphones on
Remote working

Remote working made simple: The platform factor

Data platforms allow us to organize and structure the flood of digital information in a sensible way when working remotely. They also enable us to work in virtual teams across borders. From anywhere. This type of flexibility is already the norm at CHG-MERIDIAN, and every day we learn something new.

A real-world example


Mobile working is right on trend. But what do you need to do so that your employees can work remotely without any problems? Read on to find out how CHG-MERIDIAN implemented the digital workplace, and what elements were key to this.

two women and one man in a white office environment with a desktop PC
IT procurement according to the Amazon principle

How a self-service portal can revolutionize your procurement process

Companies’ complicated and time-consuming order processes can make it feel like an eternity until employees receive their workplace IT equipment. This not only tries the patience of employees in all departments involved, but also causes them stress. After all, these days we are used to fast and user-friendly e-commerce portals such as Amazon. Companies can also deploy and benefit from this type of self-service portal.

A positive user experience is the key to success

An optimal user experience allows your employees to concentrate on value-adding processes

The Haufe Group is driving its digital transformation forward while focusing on creating a better user experience for customers and employees. Andreas Plaul, Head of IT, explains why.

Digital transformation

The digital workplace is just the beginning

The Freiburg-based Haufe Group has won the Digital Transformer of the Year award. The accolade is presented to companies that have excelled in terms of their digital transformation. Andreas Plaul, Head of ICT at Haufe Group, explains how the company is shaping its digital journey.

person at a desk on a laptop with a smartphone on the table
Digital Workplace

Workplace as a service: Is it time to consider leasing instead of buying?

Computing power, platforms, and software can already be acquired as a service, so why not complete workplace IT? Discover the benefits that workplace as a service (WaaS) can have for your company.

Old IT equipment can be a risk factor

Data erasure the right way

Don't run any unnecessary risks when it comes to remarketing or disposing of decommissioned IT equipment. Find out how cost-effective and permanent data erasure works.

Rolling out the digital workplace

How to plan a successful IT rollout for your digital workplace

Smartphones and laptops have already become the norm at home. Yet many people find themselves stuck in an analog world at work, despite the fact that setting up a digital workplace is not that difficult with a little preparation and planning.

Digital Workplace

The future of work is more flexible – and more productive

You do not only need to be at the desk in your office to do your work. The home office and lounges at airports and train stations now provide plenty of opportunity to be productive. We show you how the latest technology can help you to use your working time most effectively.

man sitting down working on a laptop
Digital Workplace

In 6 steps to the digital workplace

Cloud computing, the expansion of fiber broadband, mobile phone coverage – Germany is still lagging behind when it comes to the areas that are vital to the digital revolution. Unfortunately, this also applies to organizing work and equipping workplaces. We will show you how the right strategy can increase your efficiency and make the Digital Workplace the core of your digitization strategy.

Digital Workplace

Reap the benefits of digital workplace innovations for your business

“We regard the digital workplace as a holistic system that adds significant value in all areas of your company that work with IT.”
Lukas Wojoczek, Digital Workplace Sales

Digital Workplace

3 Tips on how to calculate total costs

It is almost impossible to calculate the overall costs of IT for a single workplace using conventional procurement and usage models. The latest digital workplace concepts can provide transparency.

Woman looking at a smart watch in a coffee shop with a laptop, mobile phone, cake and coffee on the table
Digital Workplace

Optimal design and efficient management of the modern workplace

Today, employees expect their employer to provide a modern digital workplace that is equipped with the latest technology, is available 24/7, and enables them to complete their tasks from anywhere.

Women in a coffee shop looking at a laptop with glasses in her hand
Digital Workplace

Invest in technology without busting the budget

The digital transformation of business makes innovative payment models such as pay-per-use possible. In comparison to classic financing, by relying on a payment method that is based on actual usage, companies can avoid high capital expenditure on IT equipment or on installing and running IT solutions and servers.

man in a suit walking through a city on a mobile phone
Digital Workplace

Escape the TCO trap

If you are planning a new IT infrastructure, the first question you will ask yourself, as the CFO, is whether the investment will pay off. We highlight the costs that are often overlooked and show you how to work out the correct total cost of ownership.



Estamos disponíveis para mais informações.

Roberto Mussalem

Vice President Sales Brazil

  • CHG-MERIDIAN Do Brasil Arrendamento Mercantil S/A
  • Alameda Mamoré, 687 – sala 1402 Alphaville
  • Cep: 06454-040 Barueri, São Paulo